Mike Bifulco

#ux: 7 posts tagged

Why no one talks about the best marketing campaign in history

The Von Restorff Effect (sometimes called the Isolation Effect) is a psychological phenomeon that causes people to remember things which defy expectations. In other words, things which stand out in a crowd have a significant compettive advantage.

The Von Restorff Effect (sometimes called the Isolation Effect) is a psychological phenomeon that causes people to remember things which defy expectations. In other words, things which stand out in a crowd have a significant compettive advantage.

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VOICE Talks August 2021: Trust the researchers for voice-first UX

As a part of my work as a DevRel lead for Google Assistant, I did a guest segment on VOICE Talks in August of 2021, talking about why UX research for voice-first experiences is so crucial.

Matter - a whole thing about design

Cover slide: MATTER - a whole thing about design

From a talk I gave at my then-home-base Hygge Coworking at a community event. The thesis: we're all designers, and you should give a damn about the things you put into the world.

Slides are available on slideshare.

Design Matters, Hygge Zero day

title slide: Design Matters, Hygge Zero day

These are slides from an empassioned talk I gave about design during a community event called Zero Day at Hygge Coworking in Charlotte, NC, USA.

The thesis: good design is important, and you should be paying attention to good-and-bad design in the world around you. Contributing to making the world better for everyone is everyone's job.

Slides are available on SlideShare

Your App is Ugly

Title slide from the presentation which accompanied this talk

A rehash of a talk on the basics of design and aesthetics, covering color theory, swiss design, and some of the historical roots of modern design.

Authored with Andrew Miller, Jeremy Osborn, and Leah Cunningham

Slides are available on SlideShare

Designing Windows 8.1 apps, from the ground up

This is a talk I gave at Blend Conf in Charlotte, NC USA in 2013, when I was working for Microsoft as a UX Designer. If you're interested in learning how to design apps for a version of Windows that came out in 2012, this is your day!

Slides are available on Slideshare

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Articles for developersArticles for JavaScript developersArticles about CSSArticles about User Experience (UX)Articles about tools I useArticles about productivityArticles about Gatsby
© 2019-2021 Mike Bifulco
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Disclaimer: 👋🏽 Hi there. I work as a Developer Advocate at Google. Content on this site contains my own opinions, and does not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.